Innovation Cities™ Analysis Report – Summary

REPLACED. The latest way to get this information is the Innovation Cities™ Gazette - on Substack - Free & paid editions available

Learn our method to measure, compare and create urban innovation economies.

The Innovation Cities™ Analysis Report contains the basis of our analysis of cities, for measuring and changing city performance, creating dynamic urban innovation economies.

Based on in-person research, the world’s largest and most diverse city benchmarking data and innovative theories of city development, the Innovation Cities™ Analysis Report provides you a basis for growing innovative cities.

The Report explained the working and thinking behind our model of innovation, and the innovation process for cities. The 162 indicators are all discussed and explained. Also included is 2thinknow’s view on innovation in each region of the world.

The report was updated based on the latest information, with over 10 editions up until 2020.

If you wish to order past editions let us know.

The reports ship to any country.

Previous historical details.