Innovation Cities on Reuters…

The coverage given to 2thinknow® Innovation Cities™ has been nothing but phenomenal these last 12 hours or so.

First of all REUTERS picked up our release (which is a big deal): one of a couple from AAP Medianet:

We’ve also been picked up by Yahoo, Sun-Herald (USA), Forbes Magazine Online, a variety of business journals across the U.S.A, AOL and those are the ones we know about. 57 to date that we know about – but there’s the problem, media monitoring is a difficult to track in a global market-place.

This builds on write-ups about Boston in Entrepreneur Magazine and local news in Massachussetts. And write-ups on our analysis of Lyon in French, Italian cities and South Africa. We also had those recent Australian Radio Australia, and Radio National interviews, plus Canada’s Municipal World article.

Some Malaysian language articles have begun showing up, but we’d really like your help in finding articles in all languages. Google news seems to exclude a lot of new outlets. It also seems Google takes a long time to index new content. Or maybe that’s the 24/7 world.

We’re aiming for a global media presence, so let us know what you find about Innovation Cities in the media. Just email us at any time you see us in print or online!

The best spot of a good article (that we don’t know about) before November 7, will receive a great prize!