Trend Analysis Models

Understand and model how global and regional trends interact with cities worldwide.

Global and regional trends can be responsible for the success of certain cities during specific favorable periods. City trends can also require managing to reduce their less favorable impacts on cities. Only 2ThinkNow offers trend analysis as a structured approach to planning the impact of trends for business, government and NGO clients.

Rational Model
2ThinkNow have developed a trend analysis model to map, understand and measure progress of trends impacting cities. This has also allowed us to make a series of highly accurate predictions since 2007.
Original Thinking

Rational Economics & other analysis doesn’t have a method to represent trends impact on city economics. On the other hand, trend watchers may identify forces as  ‘cool’ or ‘hip’ – more approachable, yet subjective.

Measure Trends

2ThinkNow have pioneered unique Trend Analysis methodologies to objectively quantify & measure trends; as potent comparative forces impacting cities and business.

Some Interesting Model Uses

Creating innovation in cities

The Innovation Cities™ Index, classification of cities for innovation, is based in part on a current trend analysis.

Visualising change

Trend analysis by 2ThinkNow can be visual and numerical. Data & intuition.

Identifying current city trends

Since 2009, the headline city trend force groupings are Economics, Equity & Environment. Without analysis the issues underneath these forces are dangerous forces threatening the economic and social wellbeing of cities.

Identifying local trend opportunities in each city

2ThinkNow see trends as economic & social opportunity for cities, when properly managed with local strengths, a challenge is an opportunity. An opportunity for business, city and government planning.

Further future analysis

Trend analysis can be applied to solve complex problems in numerous ways. Individual analysis reports and innovation consulting break forces down into specific trends driving the economic, demographic and social change in cities, and identify social and market opportunities and blockages. Such reports can be used to radically redefine future directions based on predicting events, including unforeseen events such as a GFC, or economic collapse.