Innovation Councils

Do you want to grow your council as innovative, smart and connected?

2ThinkNow are making it simpler for councils under 400,000 residents to evolve innovation and smart cities strategies. The benefit of this to your residents and businesses is growing a local innovation economy in your town, city municipality or suburban.

What's the center-piece of this strategy? One idea that has come from 2thinknow's tens of thousands of analysis hours reviewing cities and towns worldwide. The Innovation Cities™ Index covers 500 cities, and we have done a further 30+ indices or city rankings.

It's a simple insight.

Innovation must come from within the strengths of a place.
-- 2thinknow

Magnification of Your Strengths

That's why 2ThinkNow take your strengths (from data) and magnify them to the regional and then global arena.

A package can be put together for your Council, including:

  1. TRAINING - the Innovation Course™ delivered for your Council leadership team and tailored to your objectives
  2. DATA - City Benchmarking Data - of your councils relative performance
  3. EVENT - Local Innovation Forum™ event to inspire development and start-up creation
  4. PLUS - Other value-added services tailored to develop your locations strengths.

The focus is on leaning into your strengths. Please ask for more detail.